Writing is an essential form of science communication.
In 2022, Dr Kugler founded the science communication company Zeeks, which provides writing as a service, including blogs, website copywriting, application notes, and scientific publications.
Monthly Zeeks blog
"How to Study Endothelial Cells of the Cardiovascular System in Vitro" for ibidi GmbH 2024
Guest Contribution to Heidi Seibold Open Science Newsletter "Open Science Communication: From Academia to Industry" 2024
coming soon: Guest Contribution to Animate Your Science 2024
coming soon: Guest Contribution to Facts&Reason 2024
Before Dr Kugler founded the science communication company Zeeks, she published several important written works, such as:
The "LSFM series" FocalPlane blog with Emmanuel Reynaud , 2020-2021.
A contribution to Think Ahead TuOS titled "Tale of coloured beating hearts", 2020.
A contribution to the Doctoral Times TuOS titled "Getting the most out of conferencing", 2020.
Nature Career Column article titled "Ten things I learnt from conducting research in three different countries", 2020.
Application and Technical Notes
If there is one thing Dr Kugler enjoys, then it is researching for a new writing project and working with scientists to turn their scientific discoveries and technological developments into application and technical notes.
Examples include:
Bruker Luxendo application note"Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for Living Plants"
Bruker Luxendo technical note "Comprehensive Image Processing with LuxBundle"
Website Copywriting
Specializing in life sciences and biotech, Dr Kugler provides website copywriting content to supplement scientists' work, technology development, and implementations.
Neutral Electrical Solutions "EICRs" 2024
Bruker "Development and Embryology" 2024
Zeeks complete webpage
Scientific Publications
To date, Dr Kugler has published more than 17 scientific publications on
science communication and visualization approaches
the zebrafish retina neurovascular unit
a cell membrane behaviour she discovered, termed kugeln
biomedical image analysis approaches to quantify the zebrafish brain vasculature
Full list of publications: here
Her work was featured on several covers and has won various awards.

Elisabeth's discovery of a cell membrane behaviour was featured on the cover of the EMBO Reports journal.

Elisabeth's work was regulalry featured in University internal news.

In 2021, Elisabeth won the Rank Prize Fund image competition in the category of optoelectronics.

Elisabeth's discovery of a cell membrane behaviour was featured on the cover of the EMBO Reports journal.